Tag Archives: free norwegian lessons

FREE Norwegian Lessons – 5

Learn Norwegian online

Reading. Lesing

You will learn to have a small chat with your new companion, and tell something about yourself. Oh yes, you are speaking Norwegian already!

Norwegian student Ana met Jane – a girl from England – in a cafeteria in Oslo. How is their meeting going? Read and listen the dialogue. Do you understand everything correctly? Check it with exercise.

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FREE Norwegian Lessons – 4

Norwegian lessons 4

In this lesson we’ll continue with Norwegian grammar, which is essential for you to speak correctly. Let’s start! – La oss begynne!


Hva – what
Hva heter du? – What is your name?
Hva gjør du? – What do you do?

Hvor – where
Hvor bor du – Where do you live?
Hvor er du fra? – Where are you from?

Hvem – what
Hvem er det – What is it?

Hvorfor – why
Hvorfor snakker du norsk? – Why do you speak Norwegian?

Hvordan – how
Hvordan går det? – How are you?
Hvordan går det med deg? – How are you doing?

Hvor ofte? – how often
Hvor ofte går du på kino? – How often do you go to the cinema?
Hvor ofte snakker du norsk? – How often do you speak Norwegian?

Take a quiz and check how you’ve understood the rules.

Pick the correct option from interrogative words list: hva /  hvor/ hvem/ hvorfor / hvordan / hvor ofte.


Free Norwegian lessons are prepared according to interactive courses Norwegian24.no

If you want to learn the full course, check out Norwegian24.no. Different tasks will give you possibility to improve all the relevant skills: after completing the Norwegian course, you will be able to speak more freely, to avoid spelling mistakes and to understand your companion clearly. Each lesson consists of 6 parts, which has up to 25 different exercises.

Learn Norwegian Online

FREE Norwegian Lessons – 3

Free Norwegian lessons grammar

Gramatikk. Grammar. Let’s take a closer look into Norwegian grammar, which will be useful in the futher tasks of this lesson.

You will learn personal pronouns, the infinitive and the present tense of a verb. Isn’t it great? Let’s start our lesson.



  • jeg – I
  • du – you
  • han – he
  • hun – she
  • den, det – it

DEN – it (with nouns of masculine and feminine genders)

  • Når får du sykkelen? – When will you get the bike?
  • Den kommer i morgen. – He/She comes tomorrow.

DET – it (with nouns of neuter gender)

  • Når kommer flyet? – When the airplane is landing?
  • Det lander kl. 18. – It is landing at 6 p.m.


  • vi – we
  • dere – you
  • de – they

Infinitive (infinitiv) and present tense (presens) of a verb

We write an infinitive particle „å“ before the infinitive, for instance:

  • Jeg prøver å snakke norsk. – I am trying to speak Norwegian.

Usually the present tense (presens) is made by adding an ending -r to the infinitive.

Verbs are not inflected by pronouns or numbers. When saying either “I speak” or “you speak” and so on, we will always use the same verb form, only the pronoun will differ (I, you, etc)

  • å snakke (to speak) – snakker (I speak, you speak, he she speaks, etc)
  • å hete (to be called) – heter (I am called, you are called, etc)
  • å bo (to live) – bor (I live, you live, etc)
  • å ha (to have) – har (I have, you have, etc)


Take a quiz and check how you’ve understood the rules.

Exercise 1. After mastering the grammar rules, choose a correct form of a pronoun (pronomen).

Excersize 2. After mastering the grammar rules, write in a present tense of a verb.


Free Norwegian lessons are prepared according to interactive courses Norwegian24.no

If you want to learn the full course, check out Norwegian24.no. Different tasks will give you possibility to improve all the relevant skills: after completing the Norwegian course, you will be able to speak more freely, to avoid spelling mistakes and to understand your companion clearly. Each lesson consists of 6 parts, which has up to 25 different exercises.

Learn Norwegian Online

FREE Norwegian Lessons – 1

Free Norwegian Lessons

Congratulations on your decision to learn Norwegian!

We have honour to present you free Norwegian lessons course. Let’s start from learning new words, how to say hello, to introduce and tell about yourself.

Vocabulary. Hei! Hva heter du?

Read words and listen how they are pronounced. Try to spell them out loud.

Hei – Hi
Jeg – I
Å hete – To be named Continue reading