FREE Norwegian Lessons – 14

Norvegų kalba

Lesing. Reading

Story about three girls Ana, Nora and Marie.They are lerning Norwegian. Are they already speaking fluently? You can listen or read the text. And, of course, take a quiz.

Text in Norwegian

Ana kommer, og hun hilser på Nora og Marie. Ana bruker bare norsk. Marie forstår ikke så mye. Hun vil ikke bruke norsk. Ana spør og Marie prøver å svare på norsk. Det er litt vanskelig. „Langsomt, vær så snill“, sier hun. Det betyr „snakk langsomt“. Uttalen er veldig vanskelig. Ana er veldig tålmodig. Marie lærer norsk hver dag. Hun vil studere på Universitetet og snakke flytende norsk. Ana vil også studere på Universitetet.


Ana comes, and says hello to Nora and Marie. Ana speaks only Norwegian. Marie doesn’t understand much. She doesn’t want to speak Norwegian. Ana asks something, and Marie tries to answer in Norwegian. It’s a bit difficult. “Slowly, please”, she says. It means “speak slowly”. Pronunciation is very difficult. Ana is very patient. Marie is learning Norwegian every day. She wants to study at a university and speak Norwegian fluently. Ana also wants to study at a university.


Are you good at reading in Norwegian? Tame to take a test!

Fill up empty spaces and finish sentences.

Leaderboard: Lesson 14

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Free Norwegian lessons are prepared according to interactive courses

If you want to learn the full course, check out Different tasks will give you possibility to improve all the relevant skills: after completing the Norwegian course, you will be able to speak more freely, to avoid spelling mistakes and to understand your companion clearly. Each lesson consists of 6 parts, which has up to 25 different exercises.

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